For the XML file format:

1. First, choose the Upload File method. 

2. Then, set the File Format to XML. 

3. For the Parent node and Variant node, refer below for more details.

The XML format can be quite hard for some users to set up.

Here is a step-by-step instruction with an example for the parent node and variant node:

  1. Add the Parent node which is a mandatory field. Let's take the XML feed below as an example.

  2. Based on the feed above, the Parent Node is <item>.

  3. So you need to type in the item in the field. There is no Variant Node present in the example above.

  4. Please input Variant Node if a nested node is present in the XML file.

  5. The field mapping for XML will be straightforward. Based on the example above:

    1. SKU = sku
    2. Title = title
    3. Description = description
You don't have to include the <> in the field mapping or node.

How to add a subnode?

If the XML file contains nodes like the below:



 <description>Long Pants</description>


./product/title is the right way to write if it is a subnode.

Example 1

<item code="XYZ1001" description="Black Handlebar " instock="yes" wholesaleprice="100" rrp="150"/>

If the node is nested in this way, then you would need to map the variant node as the item

In field mapping, the code should be 




Example 2: Product and variants

          <title>New Collection</title>

In this case, the parent node is a product and the variant node is a variant.

The product id or title can be used as the variant group. 

To map the variant option, it will be ./title

Example 3 


<long_desc xml:lang="eng"><style> </style> <br><br> <!-- tu zacystosowany do jednorazowej naprawy, przy długotrwałym użytkowaniu ulega zniszczeniu!</li></long_desc>

<long_desc xml:lang="fre"><style> </style> <br><br> <!-- tu z śrubokręt pentalobe do Apple iPhone 4</p> </long_desc>

<long_desc xml:lang="ita"><style> </style> <br><br> <!-- tu zaczyna sie naglowek w kolorze niebieskim <br><br><li>Åšrubiu!</li></long_desc>

<long_desc xml:lang="pol">Serwisowy śrubokręt Pentalobe do telefonu iPhone

<price gross="0.11" net="0.09"/>
<srp gross="0" net="0"/>
<size code_producer="000000221006" code="169-uniw" weight="14">
<stock xmlns:iaiext="" id="1" quantity="848" iaiext:location_id="545" iaiext:location_text_id="03-047-B"/>
<price gross="0.11" net="0.09"/>
<srp gross="0" net="0"/>

  1. To map with the long_desc xml:lang="eng", you should map as this long_desc[@xml:lang=“eng”]
  2. To map with the price gross, you should map as this .//*[name()= 'price']/@gross or price/@gross
  3. To map with the price net, you should map as this .//*[name()= 'price']/@net or price/@net
  4. To map with the weight, you should map as this @weight

Example 4

             <Category>New Collection</Category>

  1.  To map with the id, you should map as the id
  2.  To map with the title, you should map as the title 
  3.  For select Category, you can map as Category

Example 5

<ProductTitle>Kомплект в две части</ProductTitle>

When you want to map the size with the variant group, you can map it like this "Size" in the Variant group field. For example, for Variant option 1, you can map it with a dot which is this "."

Example 6

<product_ code>ABCD01</product_ref>
<product name>Lipstick Pink</product name>
<stock level>10</stock level>
<option 1>Matte</option 1>
<option_2>Shinny</option 2>
</child product>

<product_name>Lipstick Blue</product_name>
<stock level>230</stock level>
<option_1>Mattee</option 1>
<option 2>Shinny</option 2>
</child product>

According to the above XML file, if you want to map the image of each variant, you can map it as this "./picture" in the image field. So, it will take a different image for each variant.