Upgrade your Quantity game to the next level with Quantity Rules

There are 9 types of Quantity Rules that you can choose from,
For example:

1. All quantities < Less than 5 will display as 0.

2. All products with > More than 10 quantities will be displayed as 15.

3. Products described in words such as HIGH is = Equal to 10.

4. "Incoming 11 July" can be read as Start With Incoming to be displayed as 0.

5. "... delivered" can be read as End With delivered to be displayed as 0.

6. Any quantity Range between 20 and 50 will be displayed as 20.

7. Quantity With formula +10will be added to the current quantity.

8. You can set the Empty column to 0.

9. Set all products to be displayed as 15 with Match Any.

10. All the product quantities with < Less than 50 from the feed file will be displayed as the store quantity. 

- quantity refers to the quantity from the feed file
- current_quantity refers to the quantity in the Shopify store

11. All the product quantities with < Less than 0 or a non-negative value will be set as 0. 

More Settings for Quantity field

1. Add or deduct from the existing store's quantity.

  • By checking this option, you can add/deduct the quantity instead of will overwriting the quantity from the feed. 
  • By default, it will not be checked and will overwrite the quantity.
For example, if you have 10 product A in your store and 3 in your inventory file. The final quantity will be 13 products A.

2. Only deduct the existing store’s quantity.

  • By checking this option, you can only deduct from the current quantity.
  • By default, this option is not checked and will not deduct.
For example, if you have 10 products B in your store and 3 in your inventory file. The final quantity will be 7 products B.
You CANNOT check both options above.

3. Set existing quantity in store to 0 before updating 
  • To check this option, you need to enable the add or deduct from the existing store's quantity option first. 
  • By default, this option is not checked and will not change the quantity to 0. 
For example, if your existing quantity is 10. When you enable this option it will reset your existing quantity to 0 before updating. It will add the quantity from duplicated SKU from the feed because you have enable the add or deduct from the existing store's quantity option. Can refer the example below.

Existing store quantity 10 become 0 before updating
Feed1 got two duplicated SKU
ABC123 = 5
ABC123 = 10

Result = 15

4. Deduct Quantity from a column within a feed file 

  • Define the column index as (e.g col3) for the targeted column which is the third column. 
  • The column that is mapped to the quantity field will deduct the value in the column above. 
If you want to SUM up the QUANTITY, you just need to map by multiple columns and it will auto sum.