
For this setting, you can use it to delete the products or archive the products in the store. There are two sections:

1. Archive products

By default, it allows only one variant of any product is archived. The rest will be deleted. 

2. Partial Match

When enabled, multi-variant products are archived even if only one variant is matched to the product.


This filter is affected by Archive Products. If the selection is enabled, then the filters will archive the products according to the conditions. If disabled, then the filters will remove the products according to the conditions.

This setting can use to manage how the products are removed from the store. This will apply to ALL products in the feed. So, can choose this setting below to ensure that removed the correct products only. 

1. Allow archive of duplicate products with the same product identifier
When enabled, it allows archive the of duplicate products with the same product identifier.

2. Archive product(s) only if the quantity is ZERO in all locations 
When enabled, it only archives the products if the quantity is ZERO in all locations.

3. Apply Filters

You can add the filters by clicking the "Apply Filters" button. You can choose to include/exclude certain products from being removed with filters.

There is no UNDO process. Please make sure to add filter by feed data and/or filter by Shopify products to avoid removing active products. You can use our app, Storelapse on the Shopify app to backup your products.